TWTWE: For What It's worth
I have never been less motivated to do something. Yes, that includes homework. I am REALLY trying to work on the comic. I Have already written everything up to around the halfway point. Actually, I think I may have gone over a little bit. Yeah, I probably did. Now, All I have to do is go in there and draw everything. All the writing and panels are in place, I just have to draw right? Then why is it so hard? I Have so much trouble doing this. Not to mention how long it will take to upload everything to the site. It's going to take forever. And Dad moved the scanner to his room, so I'm probably not going to be very welcome to stick around in mom and dad's room and scan 40+ pages of the comic, when they would rather have me do chores, or homework, or something constructive. Then, even after that, I have to think about what I'm going to do for the second half of the comic. I have now rebooted everything, because of poor management skills, so I try to explain everything away and then reboot the world so now we start from... OK, not from scratch, but at least now I can do this without readers getting confused by all the paradoxes and alternate dimensions and time travel. Yet, that's also the problems. I've undone everything. There is no longer a villain who is an immediate threat. yes, there is Mr.Apocalypse, the big bad boss, but he is still trapped and probably wont show his face until book 3. The 16 generals are all gone, we are now back on an undestroyed earth, and no one except for CAD knows what happened. I've written myself into a corner, because I need something to take up the last half of the comic, but I don't have anything to put. There's no one to fight, The plan is still in motion, but won't come to a head until book 3. I don't know. I'll finish drawing for the first half, upload that, and worry about the second half later.
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