Count down till im out of hell

And in commemoration of that count down, i will be giving up a little behind the scenes lore for TWTWE that i was unable to sneak into the actual comic itself. As i count down to freedom, it should end with me actually starting work on the series again and giving an estimation of where i am to keep you up to date.

how this will work is im going to give you a breef refresher on what happened in the story to catch you up to speed. Then im going to explain the part that i didnt get to before, the bit of lore i didnt put in the story, then im going to give some potential ideas that i felt that i could have done with concept.

SO! first bit of lore i was unable to fit into TWTWE: the nickocide.
as you probably know already, (if you don't, i apologize for spoiling this for you:)

actually no, ill just say major spoilers ahead, if you have not read at least up to the first half of book 2, do not read this post. (though, it doesnt matter anyways)

 I am dead now in comic! have been that way for a while, and i refuse to bring myself back. I put in a little cameo in the book 2 ending to give myself some closure, but other than that, im not coming back.
So i pretty much sacrifice myself to become reality itself giving up my entire existence to become a sort of glue thats holding and healing the shattered reality. So i sort of never existed. i dont mean that as in "no body remembers me" i mean, i was never even conceived as a thought. i completely gave up my existence in order to fix reality here.

but you already know that. heres the part that you DONT know. (because i never really found a place to put it in the comic) When TWTWE nick died, it wasn't just him that died. The thing is while TWTWE nick (we'll call him nick prime for now) was erased from existence, this created a ripple effect across reality that killed of every other nick c. across reality. the plan was if i was still doing Exorcist and comiX. (both of which were cancelled waaay before book 2 was uploaded.) I was going to have both nicks from those series die as well. maybe not as heroicly as nick prime, but every nick would die at the same time across many different comics. this was supposed to emphasize that nick prime becoming reality itself was a big deal. he didn't just kill himself, he made a mass genocide of every nick in every other dimension. in every alternate reality. no nick was spared. except for one: paradox nicks!

Ideas I could have made:

please note that this section IS NOT CANNON YET. these are just ideas i had that i felt i might be able to do something with in the future of the comic, but haven't decided on whether to implement them or not yet.

so my idea of where we could take this is the council of nicks. remember paradoxes are something that shouldn't exist... existing. so any nick that survived the nick genocide or the 'nickocide' if you will, will automatically become a paradox. and there will have been a few nicks that survive, because if there are infinite alternate realities, there has got to be a few where nick that, for whatever bs reason i can pull out of my behind, survived. mainly 5. i was going to have 5 nick paradoxes from 5 alternate realities band together as the last 5 nicks in existence and create the counsel of nicks whose main goal it is to just survive. I feel like it could be a cool spin off.


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