Whats going on with TWTWE?
OK I feel like I need to explain myself to those of you who are wondering where TWTWE went. (all 1 of you.) I realize that a while ago I told you all that I was working on TWTWE and that book 2 was coming soon. I even added the "no really!" at the end. Yet, book 2 is still no where to be seen. so what happened? Well I can sum it up with one word; "life." Life happened. school got harder, I wanted to hang with friends, I'm working on two video games side by side. I wasn't completely lying when I said it was coming, I had at least finally started working on it, but things came up and I had to stop. The next argument is probably "but your still working on Exorcist!" well, OK yes I am. It's more that school is important. I realize that if I want to do well in the future, I have to do well now. friends and family are important to me. I know I'm a bit anti-social towards my family and I'm pretty obnoxious to my friends, but they are important to me and I do want to be able to hang out or just talk to them. Exorcist isn't exactly super important, but that feels like a duty. something I HAVE to do. Why? Because Exorcist ~gods royal battalion~ is what I made as a thank you. To everyone. TWTWE was just a hobby to impress friends and have bragging rights, but Exorcist was a way of thanking everyone who's ever been a good person to me and God for giving me these talents in the first place. I wanted to thank my parents, my friends, and my church community for being there for me and making me feel loved. So I feel like I owe it to them to do Exorcist and to give it my 110%. I was even hoping that this would make an impact in someone else's life. TWTWE doesn't feel that way. It's always just been a straight up hobby. It's not super important and I just did it cause it was fun. I just had a spur of the moment idea. Don't get me wrong, I am still so proud of it. I mean, this is the first time I've made a whole book last a 100 pages even! That was an achievement even for me. It was also fun to do. Also, it was so much fun being able to make something that I felt proud of. Being able to make this whole world and its characters and its story and lore, that was fun. People dread things like time travel and paradoxes and space-time magic mumbo jumbo, but I had so much fun trying to make this story full of time loops and then trying to explain it in a way anyone can read and understand in the story. Yet, I had to choose what was important to me, and as much as I love TWTWE, it just wasn't as important to me. Plus, I've even lost contact with most of the people the characters are based on, so even if they do something cool in the comic, I'll never get to see their faces light up when they see it, or here them joke about it, or see them get to enjoy it first hand and laugh at my cheesy jokes and stuff. I mean, whats the point of making fun of Ryan if she's not even here to get mad at me for it? xD (sis is now in a boarding school, for those of you who don't know.) so in a way, TWTWE just isn't as important as it used to be, and more important things have come up that I want, no, NEED to focus on. So I had to let something go, and unfortunately, it was TWTWE. So what does this mean, am I going to stop making TWTWE? Oh HECK no. I'm still going to work on it, but don't expect any daily updates or a work schedule, or even for me to finish book 2 this year like I was planning. I might even have to stop short of my 100 page mark this year. Also since I'm putting 110% of my effort into Exorcist, TWTWE's (already low) quality will probably drop exponentially. so no whining about how much my drawing sucks. but I will continue TWTWE and try to finish what I started. Thank you to everyone who read and (for some reason) enjoyed my crappy comic. I will continue to try to make something good for you.
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